
Unfortunately, when it rains it pours.

After having such a great time, being busy. My car got flooded Sunday, still at dealer. There are talks of junking it.

Also the play got canceled, however they are doing a new play so me and this other girl got cut.

Sad, really.

At least I had a moments happiness.


We are not going around in circles

My life seems to have passed the circle of repetition, I no longer go through the same thing every year.

Not to say that everything changes every year, there are things that end up being the same.

Like I didn't get to celebrate Halloween for the third time in a row. But Next year I will get my Hallow's Eve. It's just a matter of time.

I am going to start creating my costume drawings as soon as possible.

I need to also create that phoenix costume whenever I can. . . I have it drawn but I need to have it made.

I have been busy with school(FIU Theatre Major stuff, this includes HOMEWORK and HOURS), work (I'm Spellbound, it's true!), play (The Last Children of Utopia), Film (Hunted:Series).
I am super happy though. I have my Slushie and I couldn't be happier.

I will be posting pictures (or scanning) up of the creative assignments I have done.

I miss you blog.
I also miss those who read my blog.