
R.I.P 7

Yes, it is true. He has passed away. He didn't die of disease or natural means. He was hit by a car. I cannot tell you how much I have cried or will cry. But he, even though it was such a short time, will be with me forever. I feel as if there is so much I could have done to prevent this. But I didn't and I didn't take so many pictures of him as I did his sister but I was going to. See, I was going to neuter him but he died before that could happen. I have pictures of him and his sister and him alone. He was a cheetah, and his sister a lioness. I am going to try to keep Ferrari with me as long as I can.

How I wish that we could have had more time.... How I wish whoever had hit him with their car Dies..... Because their lives don't matter to me. If they cared I would have cared. But that is not the case, I hope that my dear 7 is in a better place. TIme heals all wounds, and when I am dead it will heal my bleeding everything. Because I never heal. I stitch up, so no one sees my pain. I numb it away, so others won't know what I feel.

Seven, I hope that you didn't feel any pain. I hope it was instant and right now you are somewhere playing catnip. My beloved Seven. I hope you are well.

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