I started blogging for only one reason. For this scholarship, it took me a while to figure out what I wanted to write about. I finally figured out that my life although I deem it to be boring, it is actually quite entertaining.My blog is about my life and my interests, so naturally it would involve Theatre. Why? Because it is what motivates me in life. I can choose to do anything I want, and I do. I am involved with every production at my college for the past Two years. I have been purely Theatre motivated.
Blogging has helped me however, it has helped me assess my life and what problems continue to occur. It means I can express myself to the endless reaches of the internet and I won't be so alone. But I am a full-time student, I have no friends, and Theatre is my career. Essentially this would equate to having no life but that would be where the equation is incorrect. I have a great life, and I am always busy having a blast whether working or playing. Would I change my life to be like everybody else? No. I know I am worth more than what others see. Besides having money for education is what I really need. That in itself is the human folly, the condition that we are truly just selfish people. I am selfish because I want that money so I can transfer to another school after I get my AA, to have the money to afford it.
Blogging is important to me because it gives me the opportunity to vent out how I feel. I hope someone feeling the same way reads my blogpost and shares something of their own. Then maybe my blog will bring people together.
It is exactly 300 words and it is in 3 paragraphs. You don't actually have to read it, but I think it is the best stuff I have ever written. I edited it(which I never do with a paper, usually), and I did not exceed the max number.
I hope I win, but if I don't win. I hope someone else I know does.
I just sent her a text
I know she deserves it just as much as I do.